1.1 Background of the Study
It is very important to master English as an international language. To gain a good result of English learning, people should take a good and effective ways because learning English as a foreign language is a complex task. Learning English as a foreign language is a difficult thing to do for most of the Indonesian students. It also takes a lot of time since English as a foreign language for them.
The same condition also happens to very young learners who are the beginners in learning English. Vguassa Reilly & Sheila M. Ward ( 2003: 3 ) states that very young learners refer to children who have not yet started compulsory schooling and have not yet started to read. It means that it is really a new thing for them in learning English. It also means that the teacher needs more effort to teach them English. As young learners who enjoy having fun, and enjoy things with happy feeling, the students need more relaxing learning atmosphere, so they could join the English classes comfortably, and with high enthusiasm. It becomes the teacher’s tasks to make the situation comes true. The teacher needs some things to be involved in the English classes.
The writer observed that the students of Panti Puruhita Kindergarten Krapyak Indah Semarang, still have difficulties in memorizing new vocabularies. It could be seen in the daily teaching and learning process. The students seemed to forget the vocabulary which had been taught easily. Probably this happen because of the weakness of the students’ memory, the technique of teaching used by the teacher or it may be because of the lack of the instructional media of learning.
The writer aware that the students of the kindergarten are the students who learn a new language during the critical period, so they should be understood it easier and better than other who are not exposed that language during the childhood. In addition, Rudolph and Cohen (1984: 16) state that early childhood years are very important for learning in the basic. Although the children at the kindergarten are in the critical period, the fact shows that the students still have difficulties in learning new language.
In teaching vocabulary to the kindergarten students, the teacher should be more creative and able to keep the students away from getting bored. In order to keep the students away from getting bored in learning vocabulary, the teacher should use an appropriate instructional media. This media should gain the students’ interest in learning new vocabulary. Media such as cartoon, VCD, tape recorder, overhead projector, radio, television, computer, and etc. play important role in teaching vocabulary. They are very useful for the teacher to achieve the instructional goals and the objectives of learning, besides as a tool to command students in teaching learning process.
Webster states that teaching aids are many varieties of devices and materials, which rely on the sense of sight to inform (1972: 664). Without technique and teaching aids which are appropriate to the students’ level, the students may get bored and not interested in following the lesson and the result will not be satisfactory.
In this study the writer wants to examine a technique which is hoped can be a good method for teaching vocabulary to kindergarten students. Here, the writer will try to present VCD as a media in teaching English to kindergrten students. Teaching English using VCD can be considered as one of the appropriate method. The use of VCD as media can be a choice for the teacher in teaching vocabulary in which the students are given a chance to study vocabulary in different way which is hoped that they will be motivated in learning vocabulary.
For the reasons above, the writer wants to try to use “Multi Media” VCD as media for teaching vocabulary to the kindergarten students. The writer hopes that it will be an effective and interesting media in teaching vocabulary to the students, so that they can enjoy and interested in learning vocabulary.
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