Literature is the expression of life in the word of truth and beauty; it is the writer record of man’s spirit of the thought, emotion, and expression. Literature has been regarded as human creation to express ideas or thoughts. Also, Literature is something that gives pleasure and understanding for readers. There are two kinds of literature, fiction and non-fiction. In this study the writer chooses novel as a subject of study. Novel is a story that happens in human daily life. By reading novel, the readers would find conflict that happened among the characters in the novel. Conflict always happen in our daily life. Conflict is the important part of novel. Without conflict, a novel will be loss of sense. Therefore, this study deals with the character’s conflict in The Native of the Return.
The formulation of the research dilema were: 1) What are main character’s physical conflicts? 2) What are main character’s social conflicts? 3) What are main character’s psychological conflicts? 4) How do the main character’s conflicts build the plot in the novel?
The purpose of the study were to: 1) To explain the main character’s physical conflict. 2) To explain the main character’s social conflict. 3) To explain the main character’s psychological conflict. 4) To explain main character conflicts build the plot in the novel.
Research method: The research design in this study was descriptive library study based on its purpose and the types of data. The subject of this study was a novel by Thomas Hardy.
The result of this study showed three kinds of conflicts faced by main character; Physical, social, and psychological conflict. Physical conflict happens among the main characters. Eustacia rejected Wildeve to hold her hand or kiss her. Social conflict happens between main character and other characters. Such as Clym Yeobright and Mrs Yeobright (she disagree with her son’s marriage), Eustacia Vye and Clym Yeobright (they quarrel about the cause of Mrs Yeobright dead). Psychological conflict happens with main character. Eustacia always feels sad and unhappy with her love. Meanwhile the character’s conflict builds the plot has through the following steps: a) the beginning of conflict; the marriage between Thomasin and Wildeve which is not agreed by Mrs Yeobright. b) The rising of conflict; Clym returned from Paris and fell in love with Eustacia Vye but Mrs Yeobright did not it happened with her son. c) The climax of conflict; the marriage between Clym Yeobright and Eustacia caused Mrs Yeobright dead and they are separated. d) The falling of conflict; Eustacia fallen into the water, Clym and Wildeve followed her. It is the tragic death because they are dead except Clym. e) The ending of conflict; after Clym lost his wife and mother, he decided to be preacher in Edgon Heath.

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