Increasing Students’ Mastery On Vocabulary Through Song Presentation At Ma Al Ma’Arif Tulungagung (Pbing-37)

This thesis is intended to increase students' mastery on vocabulary through song presentation of second grade of MA Al-Ma'arif Tulungagung. Teaching vocabulary by using song presentation was chosen as the focus of the study because process teaching and learning English always make students bored and sleepy because process teaching and learning can not interesting them. The ability of students in vocabulary is still very low, because the students could not provide or organize the meaning of word in a paragraph and they do not differentiate between word and idiom.  But the students have enthusiasm to learn English. The students have strength such as playing the musical instruments; it means that the students have an excellent sense of music. Music can be brought to the level of conscious awareness where it can be used for learning and music can be analyzed both by linguistic and learning theorist
For those reasons, the researcher was interested in increasing students' mastery on vocabulary through song presentation. This is because teaching and learning vocabulary needs different teaching techniques which are not boring and make the students sleepy. They need attractive activities that can motivate them to learn foreign language especially English. 
The study is an action research with two cycles. Each of which consisted of four stages namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects were second grade of MA Al-Ma'arif Tulungagung. The instrument used collect data were observation sheets, interview guide, field note, vocabulary test. The data about the students' progress in teaching vocabulary by using song presentation was taken by triangulation between interview guide, file note and vocabulary test.

The result of this study showed that the use of song presentation increased the second grade students' mastery on vocabulary. First the use of song presentation in teaching and learning English could increase the quality result. The result of observation sheet, interview guide and vocabulary test showed that most of the students reached the criteria of success. Second and the condition or situation of the class become active and enjoy in process teaching and learning. This is indicated by positive attitude. 
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