Vocabulary has important role in mastering English. In general the goal of learning a foreign language is that the students are expected to be able to master the four language skills, they are listening, speaking, writing and reading. However to master language the students have to know and understand the language elements. One of the components is vocabulary.
One of the methods used in teaching vocabulary is TGT(Team Game Tournament). TGT is one of cooperative learning methods. In TGT, students learn in a group. The students are divided into some groups consist of some students who have good ability and some students who have lower ability especially in vocabulary.Then, the students from different group who have the same ability will compete among groups in the tournament to be the winner team.
The researcher designed the research masalah as: (1) How is the students’ achievement in vocabulary without using TGT method?(2)How is the students’ achievement in vocabulary using TGT method?(3)Are there any significant differences between student’s achievement in vocabulary using TGT method and without using TGT method?
The purpose of this research were to find out:(1)The students’ achievement in vocabulary taught without using TGT method(2)The students’ achievement in vocabulary taught by using TGT method(3)Whether there is any differences between student’s achievement in vocabulary taught by using TGT method and without using TGT method.
Research Method: (1) The research design in this study was experimental design, (2) The population of this study was all of the seventh grade students of MTs Maa’rif NU Karangan Trenggalek in academic year 2011/2012 (3) The research instrument was test, (4) the statistical analysis was using T test to know the effectiveness of using TGT Method to student’s achievement in vocabulary
The result showed that the students’mean score in vocabulary achievement of the class with traditional method is 6.0 and mean of the class with TGT method is 6.7. By using t-test at the level of significance (a) 0.05, is got tratio is bigger than ttable, that is tratio = 3,10 > ttable = 2,021, This means that Ha which states that there is significant different in using TGT method to teach vocabulary to the seventh grade at MTs Maa’rif NU Karangan Trenggalek is accepted. Whereas, Ho which states that there is no significant different of using TGT method to teach vocabulary to the seventh grade at MTs Maa’rif NU Karangan Trenggalek is rejected.
It can be concluded that In this study the experimental class (the treatment using Team Game Tournament (TGT)) has a better ability in vocabulary achievement than control class.By using TGT, teaching and learning process in the class was life, because the students got spirit and enthusiasm in learning process.

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