Learning to speak fluently is not easy for ESL students. This phenomenon also happens to public speaking class in STAIN Tulungagung Especially in pronunciation, English pronunciation is different from Indonesian pronunciation. So, if we want to speak fluently we must often practice our pronunciation and we must also study hard if we want to speak English well. This study provides information about students’ pronunciation problems and lectures’ strategy to overcome students’ problems in public speaking class.
The formulation of the research problems were:1)What are students’ problems in Pronunciation? 2) What are the lectures’ strategies to overcome students’ problems in pronunciation?
Research method: 1) Research design used was descriptive qualitative because the writer want to describe the current phenomena about the students’ problems and lectures’ strategy in public speaking class. 2) the subject of the study were students and lecture of public speaking class. 3) data collecting method and instrument: a) observation, b) interview, c) documentation.4) the data analysis was using inductive method.
The result of the study show that students had problems in pronunciation. Students had dilema in vowel, consonant and dithongs. From many pronunciation of vowel, the most dilema faced by students of public speaking class is they can’t differentiate vowel [ʌ], [ə],[æ] and vowel [ɔ] with dipthongs [aʊ]. Then in consonant, some students’ of public speaking class are unable to differentiate consonant [v] with [f] and consonant [s] with [z]. They often pronounce [f] in consonant [v] and also pronounce [s] in consonant [z]. the last prolems in pronounce dipthongs, the students’ of public speakin class often confuse to pronounce dipthongs or vowel. They also can’t differentiate dipthongs [ei] and [ai]. For example in word “say” they should pronounce [sei] not [sai]. In this case the lecture has strategy to overcome students’ problems. Lecture correct directly when students find dilema in pronunciation, sometimes she writes the pronunciation in the white board and teach them how to pronounce well. Besides, she also always ask to their students to practice speak English in order to students can speak fluently.

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