Students’Strategies In Learning Vocabulary At Mtsn Aryojeding (Pbing-34)


In learning a foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is one of the elements of language that links the four skills, speaking, listening, reading and writing all together. In order to communicate well in a foreign language, students should acquire an adequate number of words and should know how to use them accurately. But, learning vocabulary is not simple. Because the students  must understand not only the meaning of the words, but also must know how to pronounce and use it contextually. The biggest dilema in learning vocabulary is most of the students are easier to forget what they have learned. In other words, they have dilema in vocabulary retention. Besides that, every student has different characteristics, interest, and ability. Consequently, they have different learning strategies that are suitable with them. That’s why learning strategies in learning vocabulary is very important. It is needed by students to help themselves understand and remember vocabulary in easier, and joyful ways by using their own ways. So, the learners can take more control of their own learning so that they can take more responsibility for their own learning. Consequently, they can become good language learners.
 The reseach problems in this study : 1) What are the strategies used by students who are good in vocabulary mastery at MTsN Aryojeding ?, 2) How are the strategies used by students who are good in vocabulary mastery  at MTsN Aryojeding contributive to their vocabulary mastery ? the purposes of this study are : 1) Describe the strategies used by students who are good in vocabulary mastery at MTsN Aryojeding in learning vocabulary. 2) Know the contribution of students’ strategies used in their vocabulary mastery.

The findings of the study are expected to give both theoretical and practical contribution. Firstly, theoretically, the result of this study is expected to give worthy contribution for the science in teaching and learning vocabulary. The information about strategies in learning vocabulary can make people who are interested in learning English understand and know the good strategies in learning vocabulary. Secondly, practically, this study can be useful for students and English teacher. For students,  it can develop and apply students’ vocabulary learning strategies in easier and more interesting ways. Moreover, they can be independent language learners. Meanwhile, for English teachers, this research can enable teachers to design appropriate materials and activities that suitable for their students. It also can become feedback to give motivation in improving and creating innovative strategies of teaching their students, especially for the subjects. 
The subjects of this research are the selected students who are good in vocabulary mastery at MTsN Aryojeding. The data in this research are the students’ strategies in learning vocabulary and its contribution for their vocabulary mastery. The methods of collecting data in this research are interview, observation, and documentation. The method of data analysis is inductive method. By employing all of the methods above, the relevant data are collected.
The research  findings : 1) Students have various strategis in learning vocabulary that are suitable with their interests and their characteristics, they are ; (a) Looking up the dictionary. (b) Asking people. (c) Making notes. (d) Memorizing. (e) Listening to music. (f) Watching English movie. (g) Reading story. (h) Using song’s lyrics. (i) Sharing with other friends, and (j). Using the vocabularies in daily life. 2) All of the strategies in learning vocabulary mentioned above are very useful for the subjects. Those can increase their vocabulary mastery in easier ways and their English skills, such as speaking, writing, reading, and listening. The contribution of students’ strategies in learning vocabulary are : (a) Making notes, and writing diary strategies are contributive in vocabulary mastery and for their writing skill. (b) Reading story and reading song’s lyric, do not only enrich students’ vocabulary, but also improve their reading skill. (c) Listening to music and watching English movie are contributive in improving students’ vocabulary, listening skill, and also their pronunciation. (d) Asking people and using vocabularies for communication in daily life are contributive to increase speaking skill and help students enrich their vocabularies. So, those learning strategies are contributive in improving both the four English skills and the English components, especially for incresing the students’ vocabulary mastery.
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