The teaching of science using English language is set activities of knowledge, transfers skill and value from teacher to the students used English as medium of interaction. SD Zumrotus Salamah Tawangsari is one of elementary school in Tulungagung that is promoted to be school based on international standard, which one of its characteristic is the teaching of science using English as the medium of interaction. The purpose is to increase the students ability not only in sciences but also in English and it is also hoped the graduation of school based on international standard.
The formulation of the research problems were: 1) what teaching methods are used to teach science using English? 2) What media are used to teach science by using English? 3) What is student achievement in science taught by using English?
The purpose of this research is: To describe the methods of teaching science using English at SD Zumrotus Salamah Tawangsari Tulungagung, to describe media used in the teaching of science using English at SD Zumrotus Salamah Tawangsari Tulungagung, and to know the students achievement in science taught by using English at SD Zumrotus Salamah Tawangsari Tulungagung.
The research designs used in this thesis are: (1) Describe Qualitative research design (2) the subject of the study is the teacher of science, the students at grade 3 and the headmaster, (3) the research instruments used in this research are observation, interview, and documentations.
After analyzing the data, the researcher finds that there are two stages in implementation English language as the medium of interaction base on the school and teacher, such as planning, realizing. The method in teaching of science using English with the sasaran English language without going through the process of translating into the student’s native language and the unique method such as: singing, watching western movie and practicing with other. The media in science teaching using English, the teacher use media equipment such as: visual media, real object, pictures, blackboard, textbook, workbook for learner with accompanying explanations and activities.
The student’s achievement in science taught by using English, the student achievement by using English in teaching science the student more attractive to read and looking for material which use English language in other source, the students common using speak English in daily activities in the school area. an understanding of science offers personal to fulfill and excite benefits that should be shared by everyone whenever and wherever without difficulties in communication using English.

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