In learning English there are four skills must learn by student, that are listening, writing, speaking, and reading. In each skill has English component must be learn that is pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. This skill include in English Curriculum on Junior high school. Some theories said that there are difficulties in learning those four skills. In learning listening and speaking the student have to know much of vocabulary, how to say a word, and the grammatical use when they hear a voice and when they want to say something. In reading skill the student have to find out the content or the massage on the text. Beside the student must know the meaning each word and the sentence and especially the grammatical roles used in the text. Because by knowing those they will get the correct information. In learning writing the student must know much of vocabulary when they write a sentence and how to arrange the sentence use the grammatical pattern correctly. Based on the reasons above the researcher had conducted research about students’ difficulties in learning English skill. This research is important to done to know the students difficulties in learning English skill.
The formulation of the research problems were: 1) What are the students’ difficulties in learning reading and how many percentages? 2) What are the students’ difficulties in learning speaking and how many percentages? 3) What are the students’ difficulties in learning writing and how many percentages? 4) What are the students’ difficulties in learning listening and how many percentages?
The purpose of this study were: 1) To know the students’ difficulties in learning listening and the percentages, 2) To know the students’ difficulties in learning speaking and the percentages, 3) To know the students’ difficulties in learning reading and the percentages, 4) To know the students’ difficulties in learning writingand the percentages.
Research Method: 1) the research design in this study was descriptive quantitative, 2) the population of this study was all of the eight’ grader student at Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1 and Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2 Sumbergempol district in Tulungagung, 3) the sample is 70 student on Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1 and 45 student on Sekolah Menengah Pertama 2, 4) the research instrument is questioner and was tried out, 5) the data collected by distributed the questioner to the students, 6) the data analysis with SPSS jadwal to know the frequency by using percentages formula.
The result showed:
1. In learning reading skill the students face difficulties firstly 62% of respondents difficult in translate each word in a text. Secondly 55% of respondents difficult in relate the word or text in direct experience. Thirdly, 55% of respondents difficult in read a text. Fourthly 54% of respondents difficult in understanding time setting in the text. Fifthly 50% of respondents difficult in summarize and retell the text have they read. Sixthly, 50% difficult in read each word or sentence in English. Seventh, 49% of respondents difficult in determine the topic sentence in the text. Eighth, 48% of respondents difficult in read in one sentence fluently.
2. In learning speaking skill the students face difficulties in learning speaking. Firstly, 78% of respondents difficult in make a sentence will they speak. Secondly, 76 of respondents difficult to speak English fluently. Thirdly, 60% of respondents difficult in imitate a word or sentence have spoke by people or teacher. Fourthly, 50% of respondents in answer a question in English. Fifthly, 48% of respondents difficult in arranged sentence would like to speak. Sixth, 47% of respondents difficult in memorize the sentences which will speak in English. Seventh, 40% of respondents difficult in choosing vocabulary will use in speaking. Eighth, 37% of respondents difficult in said English word.
3. In learning writing skill the students face difficulties in learning writing. Firstly, 44% of respondents difficult in choose the vocabulary. Secondly, 41% of respondents difficult in arrange the sentence when they wrote a text. Thirdly, 34% of respondents difficult in enlighten the idea which would like to write with good.
4. In learning listening skill the students face difficulties in learning listening. Firstly, 64% of respondents difficult in got the massage when they have hear soft sound or voice. Secondly, 54% of respondents difficult in imitate the voice that they have hear. Thirdly, 53% of respondents difficult in getting the massage when they have hear the loud sound or voice. Fourthly, 46% of respondents difficult in got the massage when the speaker spoke quickly. Fifthly, 45% of respondents difficult in got the massage when the speaker spoke slowly. Sixthly, 43% of respondents difficult in understand the kinds of tenses that used by speaker. Seventh, 42% of respondents difficult in in write the word have they hear.

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