The Effectiveness Of Using Flash Card In Teaching Vocabulary To The Second Year Students Of Sdi Qurrota A’Yun Ngunut – Tulungagung (Pbing-36)

The uses media are important in teaching and learning process, especially in English media help teacher to be easier to teach and also help students to be easier to learn. By using media, hopefully the students get spirit when they study, so they would easy to improve their vocabulary mastery. Improving vocabulary mastery is very important, because by having many vocabularies they would easy to master four skills, they are; listening, writing, reading and speaking.
Although the use of media are important, but not all teachers use them when they teach. It can be caused by the limited in the school, or may be the teachers have no time to create. This research is done to show the media that are easy, and interesting; the media are flash card. By using flash card, hopefully the students can be easier to improve vocabulary mastery.
The research problems were formulated as follows:  (1) How is the students’ mastery on vocabulary before taught by using flash card? (2) How is the students’ mastery on vocabulary after taught by using flash card? (3) is there any significant difference score between student’s mastery on vocabulary before taught by using flash card and after taught by using flash card?
The purposes of the study are: (1) To know the students’ mastery on vocabulary before using flash card. (2) To know the students’ mastery on vocabulary after using flash card. (3) To know the significant difference of students’ mastery on vocabulary between before and after taught by using flash card.
The research is experimental design. This research intended to investigate the effectiveness of flash card as media in teaching vocabulary for the second year students of SDI Qurrota A’yun Ngunut- Tulungagung. The research design used by the researcher is pre-experimental design in the form of one- group; pre-test, treatment and post-test.

Research finding: After pre-test was done, the data showed that there are nobody gets poor score, 4 students get fair score, 13 students gets good score and 5 students get very good students. It means that there are 0% students get poor score, 20% students get fair score, 60% students who get good score and 20% students who get very good score in mastering vocabulary before using flash card. Then, after post-test was done, the data showed that there are nobody gets poor score, nobody gets fair score, 2 students gets good score and 20 students gets very good score It means that there are 0% students get poor score, 0% students get fair score, 10% students get good score and 90% students who get very good score in mastering vocabulary after using flash card. The students’ mastery on vocabulary is improved.
After getting the data, the writer used t-test to analyze the data. The result of data analysis (t) is 12 with the degree freedom is 21 students and the significant level 5% is 2.08 and 1 % is 2.83. It means that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It could be concluded that there is the effectiveness of using flash card to improve the second year students’ mastery on vocabulary at SDI Qurrota A’yun Ngunut Tulungagung academic year 2010 / 2011.
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