Speaking is one of language skills that considered difficult to be learned. Especially for the students who learned English, sometimes students got difficulties in expressing their ideas because of they feel shy or lack of confidence to speak up. Based on this problem, authentic material; in this case is movie is used in teaching speaking in order to help the students to improve their speaking ability, and of course to encourage the students in speaking class to be an active learner. In this study, teacher and students cooperated together in teaching and learning process. Teacher gave clear instruction about what the students should do when they watched the movie. This study is aimed at enabling the students to explore their orisinil thought by themselves .
The formulations of the study were: 1) How is students’ speaking ability before being taught by using movie? 2) How is students’ speaking ability after being taught by using movie? 3) Is there any significant different score before and after being taught by using movie?
The purposes of the study were: 1) Find out the students’ speaking ability before being taught by using movie. 2) Find out the students’ speaking ability after being taught by using movie. 3) Find out significant different score before and after being taught by using movie.
The research design of this research was experimental research with quantitative approach. It was intended to find out any significant effect of using movie in improving speaking ability on eleventh grade students IPA 2 of GOC class MAN 2 Tulungagung. The research used purposive sampling technique which took 31 students as sample. The method of collecting data was administering test. The data was analyzed using statistical analysis, using t-test.
The student’s speaking ability before being taught by using movie was poor where 21 students (more than half from the total students, 31 students) got score 67 in speaking class while the minimal standard score in global class is 75. After being taught by using movie, all of the students passed the minimal standard score. The finding of the research was that the “ ”= 3.57, where “ ” significance at 5% = 2.07. So, the “ is bigger than “ ” or 3.57 > 2.07. It means that there was significant of student’s achievement in speaking before and after being taught by using movie. In other words, this authentic material can be used as an alternative in teaching speaking.
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